Standing in Faith

Faith may seem like such a small word, but it is one of the most powerful things you can have. Faith moves mountains. Faith parts waters. Faith gives sight to the blind. Faith allows me to believe that God is good even when my circumstances are far from that. Faith reminds me that I serve a God of miracles and if He’s done it once, He’ll do it again.

When I take a step back and look at my life I can see all of the times God has proven over and over again of His faithfulness. When my dreams seemed to crash down in front of me, His goodness was able to outshine the heartache. I mean, even all the way back to my grade school days and my dream of playing soccer. I spent hours upon hours of training and years of my life devoting all I knew to a sport. All those years ended in a quick moment with an injury. In that moment I couldn’t see or understand the why, but if those dreams didn’t come to an end, I would have never met my husband. All I can say is thank God I didn’t get my way because Logan is far better than any future I had in sports.

As I’ve mentioned before, God had a way of proving his faithfulness again with our son, Stryker. When I felt like more of my dreams were crumbling, He intervened and gave us Stryker. And I have to say, Stryker was made to be our son. He is so much better than anything I could have imagined.

A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I was frustrated, confused, and honestly so angry. I knew that the surgery I had shortly after my diagnosis would only be a temporary fix and I hated to be labeled with a “lifelong disease”. However, through that diagnosis and through this last year of navigating what this means for my future, I have been able to learn so much about my health. I was able to get answers to so many questions I have had for years. I was able to learn more about nutrition and find a community that could help me dig deeper into my personal health journey. God’s faithfulness came through in allowing me to see that I don’t have to live a life full of pain even with a lifelong disease.

And now with the loss of our baby girl. I am still stuck in the wondering and can be crippled by fear, but God has proven His faithfulness time and time again. There has never been one prayer that has gone unanswered. Those answers may have come in ways I didn’t expect and it may have taken some time, but my God is above all time and is greater than all time. The things I felt took forever ended up allowing me to grow. Good things take time and growth doesn’t happen overnight. He has proven His faithfulness over and over. So why wouldn’t He do it again?

So, if you’re like me and feel stuck in the “when, why and what if?”, remember that our God is bigger than it all. You don’t need to be stuck in the feelings of defeat. Stand in faith, “for faith is the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance of what we do not see”. You are so loved!


The Inbetween


Rejoicing in the Grief